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A Taste of West Africa!

Anytime I pay homage to the Ancestors for the wonderful gifts they have given me, its a beautiful day. Today was the first day of class for A Taste of West Africa at McLennan County Community College. Although we were small in number today, we were mighty in spirit!

Our recipes today took all look at the influences of spices, cumin, cayenne, chili, curry, turmeric, nutmeg, cinnamon and thyme. Our appetizer was Crispy Crab Balls and southern pay on fish-cakes. The main dish was one-pot vegetarian dish West African Peanut and Sweet Potato Soup.

The class thoroughly enjoyed the class, the history of the dishes, culture and influences they have on southern cuisine today. Stay turned for next week's class, part two of A Taste of West Africa. Ashe!

Chef Sheri's Tips


Each Mother Sauce produces two to three secondary sauces and host of derivitive sauces.



The key to developing rich sauces is in mastering the art of making a Roux.



Over-hydrated or thin sauces can be saved by making "slurry"; part cool sauce or liquid plus starch for thickening.

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